Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Thankful for ASGA's growth

Wow. The last few weeks have been a wonderfully rewarding time for ASGA's team. First, we just published our largest-ever conference in DC, with 628 registrants from 110 in 35 states. Second, our upcoming Chicago conference is approaching its highest turnout ever. And third, ASGA's total membership is nearing 1,000 schools (now at 986).

In just six years, ASGA has become by far the largest-ever professional association for student governments. Attendance at all 10 of our conferences is higher than ever before. We're doing more private consulting and research for our members than ever.

It's really exciting to see that student leaders and administrators are taking advantage of ASGA's wealth of resources and services. All of our thousands and thousands of hours of work are paying off in our service to our members, cutting-edge research, and practicial training and knowledge we share at our conferences.